New York Times columnist Samuel G. Freedman and celebrity profiler Beverly Gray shared these winning interview strategies at the 2011 ASJA writer’s conference.
My 5 favorite places to write
A few of the places I like to work are obvious, but the others, well, you’ll just have to read and find out.
Blogathon featured on
A number of people in the 2011 blogathon are over 40 and blogging as part of a self transformation. I shared some of their stories in a post on
Best of WordCount: famous writers on writing
Today I’m sharing lessons learned from the great authors, writers and editors I’ve written about here over time.
Best of the 2011 blogathon guest post exchange
On May 16, many of the 200+ bloggers taking part in #blog2011 found a partner and traded posts. This recap highlights some of the more interesting exchanges.
Recommended reading for May 20, 2011: summer reading preview
On my summer reading list are long-form narrative non-fiction and books that I don’t have time for during the rest of the year. Here are some examples.