This installment of the weekly writing advice column looks at the pros and cons of doing interviews by email instead of in person or by phone. Which do you use?
June 27 #wclw chat transcript – How writers are using Pinterest
Here’s the transcript from the June 27 WordCount Last Wednesday chat on how writers are using Pinterest. Thanks to for the transcript.
Reminder: #wclw writer chat on Pinterest today @ 10 am PDT
Tune in today at 10 am Pacific time to hear how writers, bloggers and other freelancers are using the popular image sharing service. Follow the #wclw hashtag.
5 things I learned from my first year of freelancing
Thinking of plunging into self employment? Read Carrie Schmeck’s takeaways from her first 12 months working as a freelance copywriter.
June 27 #wclw writer chat – How are writers using Pinterest?
Hear how freelancers and other writers are using the image sharing network to advance themselves and their work. Tune in June 27 @ 10 am Pacific. Use #wclw.
June 22 reading list: Jonah Lehrer and bad writer behavior
Jonah Lehrer’s self-borrowing is a cautionary tale for freelancers and a good example of how not to work a beat, or a blog.