Join us to celebrate finishing the 2013 Blogathon challenge to post 30 days in a row. We’ll also announce winners of $1,200 in #blog2013 raffle prizes.
My freelance writing business in a word cloud
Word cloud tools like Wordle make data visualization easy to understand – and they’re fun!
Top 10 ways to tell it’s (finally) summer in Portland
They say summer in Portland doesn’t really start until July 5. I’ve got a different way of telling and it has to do with #blog2013.
Writing roundup: 1st drafts, inspiration, blogging on the go, and more
This week’s good reads for writers come from freelancers and bloggers in the 2013 Blogathon.
How do I fix blog post line spacing issues?
Answers to your questions about blog spacing issues, and the 2013 Blogathon.
Twitter chat for writers moves to July 1 for #blog2013 wrap party
My monthly Twitter chat moves to Monday, July 1 for the WordCount Blogathon wrap party. Join us at 10 am PT/1 pm ET.