They say a picture’s worth a thousand words. So today, for your viewing enjoyment, here’s a picture of this blog. The image comes courtesy of Wordle, a Website that creates word clouds from text that you give it, or in this instance, of all of the words I’ve ever written in this blog. You can […]
11 favorite online activities for taking a writing break
Why is it that when I have the biggest deadlines, I have the strongest urge to take breaks and troll around the Web. It probably the brain’s way of relieving the mental strain. Someone has to come up with a name for this, like the Freelancer’s Law of Inversely Proportional Leisure Activity. When I need […]
LinkedIn's Companies directory best tool yet for freelancers
LinkedIn just unwrapped a new feature that may be the social network’s best tool yet for freelance writers – a comprehensive company directory. The Companies feature is a database of LinkedIn’s 26 million members that can be searched by company, geography or industry. Freelancers can use it to look up editors at umpteen publishers of […]
Freelancers should just say no to assignments, gigs that aren't a good fit
Can you tell when a freelance gig isn’t a good fit? Susan Johnston’s got some great tips for determining whether you should take a freelance job on her blog, The Urban Muse, in a post called 5 signs that this isn’t the gig for you. My favorite: when an editor sends your story back with […]
Use WordPress enhanced stats to improve your writing blog
The business reporter in me loves numbers, so I was pretty jazzed a couple weeks ago when I was deciding how to pre-write a bunch of blog posts to cover my vacation and noticed some statistics on I hadn’t seen before. It wasn’t just me. Automattic, the company behind and, the hosted […]
Online News Association job fair, grants, NFL player access
Here’s some interesting tidbits from the Online News Association, one of the biggest groups for journalists and freelance writers who work online. * The finalists for this year’s Online Journalism Awards will be announced at the ONA’s annual conference on Sept. 13 at the Capital Hilton in Washington, D.C. Here is the complete list of […]