My picks for the top 5 most annoying things PR people do.
Malcolm Gladwell and other recommended reading for writers for Sept. 17
Malcolm Gladwell, Demand Media’s IPO, interest in business news and other recommended reading for writers for Sept. 17, 2010.
What I’m writing about now: work and careers
These days when I’m not blogging here, I’m blogging for, the online magazine for people over 40 launched by Entrepreneur Media, publisher of Entrepreneur, earlier this year. I get to blog about a lot of things at SecondAct. But mostly I write about work – finding it, doing better at it, getting more meaning […]
Back to school: online journalism training for freelancers
Want to improve your writing skills? Here is a list of websites offering free or fee-based online journalism training for freelancers and other writers.
Recommended reading for writers for Sept. 10
Jonathan Franzen and Jean Auel discuss their work, and other recommended reading for writers for the week of Sept. 10, 2010.
News U. wants freelancers’ input on writing webinars
Freelancers who take a survey from Poynter Institute’s News U. will receive 50 percent off the journalism e-learning program’s new writing webinar series in 2011.