[Please enjoy this post from the WordCount archives — Michelle]
One of the biggest challenges self-employed writers, editors, bloggers or other freelancers face is how to make the best use of your time.
If you’re a one-person shop, you’re responsible for marketing and sales (pitches and contract negotiations), creative (research, reporting, writing, editing), billing (sending invoices), collections, and promotions (Twitter, Facebook et al).
Not only do you have to figure out how to divide your time to cover all those aspects of running a business, you also have to resist giving into to a myriad of potential distractions – after all, you can’t exactly turn off email and Twitter if you use both for work, right?
A recent WordCount Twitter chat tackled the subject of time management for writers. Close to a dozen freelancers used the hour to share their biggest frustrations and the steps they take to stay organized and productive. They also shared tech tools they use to keep on top of work.
In this recap, I’ve included the best time management tips for writers.
Writers’ biggest time management struggles
Writers’ obstacles to using time more effectively fall into these categories:
- Balance – Meeting current deadlines and marketing to existing and new clients to keep work coming in.
- Focus – Switching from task to task or project to project without getting distracted.
- Expectations – Creating realistic expectations for how much can be accomplished in an an hour, day, week or month – so you don’t take on too much and feel overloaded or too little and not be able to pay the bills. “I yo-yo between saying yes too much or too little,” says Boston freelancer Susan Johnston, who participated in the chat. “Things fall through so sometimes I end up with the right workload.”
- Flexibility – Staying loose enough to deal with the unforeseen circumstances that inevitably crop up while maintaining enough structure to finish projects on deadline. “Someone asked, ‘What’s your typical day like?’ San Diego freelancer Louise Julig says. “I said, ‘What’s a typical day?'”
- Multitasking – Working on multiple projects simultaneously, a normal part of a freelancer’s life.
Strategies for boosting productivity
Writers say they use a wide range of strategies to stay productive. Here are some suggestions they made during the chat:
1. Turn off distractions.
Disconnect the phone. Don’t check email. Log off Facebook. Don’t answer the doorbell. If you absolutely must stay online, close all but one tab on your browser. I use a Chrome extension called StayFocusd to limit the number of minutes I can spend during work hours on sites like Facebook and Pinterest where I like to goof off.
2. Use a timer.
Set an egg timer or an online timer for 30 minutes or another specific period of time and don’t do anything but write. Give yourself a short break, then set it again, and again until you finished what you’re doing.
3. Use a goal buddy.
Some freelancers team up with a writing partner and schedule regular check ins to keep each other accountable for how they’re using their time. Some writing buddies check in with each other every hour, others once a day, once a week or once a quarter.
4. Set goals.
Laura Vanderkam, a New York freelance writer and author of 168 Hours: You Have More Time Than You Think, says she writes out big priorities for week. It’s a short list, “but they have to all get done. Schedule ’em in. Leave floater days open for flotsam,” she says.
5. Reward yourself.
Many writers set daily or weekly goals and reward themselves for finishing tasks or meeting deadlines. Rewards don’t have to be big – a walk with the dog, an afternoon nap, coffee with a friend, a glass of wine at the end of the day. The point is to treat yourself for getting the job done. Other writers say the only reward they need is the one that counts the most – the paycheck that comes after they’ve filed a story.
6. Break up the day into chunks.
“I try to block out my time and schedule 1-2 hours dedicated to each project, and not do work for anything else during that time,” says Denver freelancer Nicole Relyea. “I use a whiteboard that has sections for each day of the week,” says Portland freelancer Jennifer Willis. “I map out my daily activities for the week, and try to stick to it.”
7. Follow a formal productivity regime.
Some writers swear by productivity regimes such as David Allen’s Getting Things Done, The Artist’s Way by Julia Cameron, or Tim Ferris’ The Four-Hour Work Week. Others say they’re turned off, especially by Ferris, who suggests only checking email twice a day. “I felt like it was based on a faulty premise. Some emails DO require immediate answers,” Johnston says.
8. Use to-do lists.
Some writers swear by to-do lists — myself included — and are hooked on the immense satisfaction that comes with crossing things off the list once they’re finished. “I stick with a to-do list that I accomplish in any order. I’m not restricted and feel accomplished at the end of the day,” says Florida writer Sakura Chica.
9. Work when nobody else is.
Some writers get up early or work late, so they can write without interruption. Friday afternoons are great for writing — if you still have energy after almost an entire work week — because everyone who’d normally be calling, emailing or texting is trying to wrap up work and head out the door for the weekend. The same’s true of any day before a three-day weekend, or holidays.
10. Work when you’re “on.”
Use the time of day when you have the most energy to tackle the hardest tasks on your to-do list.
11. Tackle the hardest stuff first.
Some writers call this “eating the frog.” Pick the one thing you’re dreading and do it first – getting it out of the way can be enough of a psychological boost to carry you through the rest of the day.
12. Hire help.
Use a virtual assistant to take care of administrative tasks, or off load non-work chores such as housecleaning, yard maintenance, grocery shopping to carve out more time for work. “I hired a virtual assistant to handle some of my administrative tasks, freeing me up for big picture thinking,” Johnston says. “She proofreads, researches, formats guest blog posts, searches for images on Flickr, etc.”
[Flickr photo by Nick]
Great, great post, Michelle – thanks for the tips. Love the ‘use a timer’ – that’s a great idea.
Michelle, excellent and very thorough summary of the discussion. Great tips here! I appreciate the link back to my blog and look forward to learning more from you and your readers.
I really enjoyed this last #wclw. I particularly like the idea of having a buddy, who is also a writer, to check in with periodically.
I know quite a few writers who regularly work with goal buddies, but I haven’t ever attempted it myself. If you try it, I’d love to know how it goes.
Great tips! It is indeed difficult to remain focused as a freelancer, when we have so many distractions around us.
I agree that getting up early is the best time for me to be productive if something absolutely HAS to get done. that way, I can work before the other distractions of the day come into play.
Great resources Michelle, thanks also for sharing these tips it is very helpful. Time management is essential because we cannot turn back time. Another is time management can help writers in order to be more productive. Time management allows you to do more work, focus on tasks, and limit wasted time. There are also different ways to manage time and there are also online tools that can help you, it’s just depends on what you needed most. Discipline is the key to effectively and efficiently manage time.