Here’s what I’m reading this week. First, from my fellow bloggers participating in the 2nd Annual WordCount Blogathon:
- Organization. It’s an art, really. – Tips for work and life from freelance writer Danielle Buffardi’s blog, Horrible Sanity.
- Partner with others – Nobody said writing had to be a solitary pursuit. Sometimes it helps to have partners on the journey. From Jackie Dishner’s blog, Bike with Jackie.
- Deciding whether to capitalize ‘how’ in a title – Grammar debates while co-authoring a grant introduced Zazou Marketing‘s Heather Holliday to the APA Style Book.
- The ebook writing process – From Sara Lancaster’s No. 2 Pen blog.
- How to pick a gravatar – In case you don’t know what that is, it’s an image – photo, drawing, icon, etc. – that serves as your online persona and follows you from place to place or blog to blog online. Read Kate Reilly’s explanation of how to get one on her Polka Dot Suitcase blog.
Here’s what else I’m reading this week:
- How Kindle lets you steal this blog – TechCrunch explains an apparent flaw in a new blog publishing program for Amazon’s popular e-book reader.
- Red Room is soliciting writers – To join its online community, which includes free accounts and member pages, a newsletter, blogs and other goodies.
- 10 Twitter mythconceptions – From Technologizer’s Harry McCracken, starting with No. 1, Twitter is something utterly new (it’s not).
- Top 10 obscure Google search tricks – Cool things you never knew Google could do, care of LifeHacker’s Gina Trapani.
Hey Michelle, thanks for the “link love” 🙂
Glad you enjoyed the post.