Why bloggers feel overwhelmed, what really goes on in the giant warehouses online retailers run, and other good reads for writers from the past week.
Top10 WordCount posts from October 2012
Top freelance writing posts from the past 30 days include tips on word counts, blogging rates, promoting your business, using mind mapping and more.
Dear WordCount: Can blogging help me write fiction?
Blogging can help authors find their voice, build a platform, sell books and share their wisdom. Read on to find out more.
Good reads for Oct. 19: Newsweek’s print demise, Violentacrz, and more
What writers should be reading this week: a newsweekly goes digital only, Violentacrz and the free speech debate, apps for writers, and more.
5 lessons writers can learn from “Fearless” Felix Baumgartner
The daredevil sky diver has a lot to teach writers about risk, planning and going for it regardless of how old you are.
Good reads for Oct. 12: What good writing did you read this week? [Discussion]
While I’m traveling for business, I’m asking WordCount readers for the favorite thing they read this week. Please share!