I love looking at real estate listings. I started five years ago when I was moving and looking for houses. Now I browse the local multiple listing service Website for fun. OK, secretly I want to buy a house in the mountains, but who knows if that will ever happen. So I was online looking […]
Is it time for freelancers to take a full-time job?
On Monday the House voted down the Bush Administration’s $700 billion Wall Street bail out and stocks took their biggest dive in 20 years. People are freaking out over lost retirement savings and whether they’ll be able to make their mortgage payments. There’s a presidential election in five weeks, and who knows what change that […]
Technorati 2008 state of the blogosphere report
This week Technorati, the blog search engine, is releasing its annual state of the blogosphere report, with new chunks of information every day for five days. If you’re into numbers or want to compare your blog to the blogging world at large it’s fascinating stuff – and probably fodder for lots of posts for your […]
Thank you Clay Felker for creating New West
Clay Felker is the reason I got into magazine journalism. Felker, who died last week at 82, was better known as the editor of New York and Esquire and champion of New Journalism, as this New York Times’ remembrance so aptly summarizes. But to me he’ll always be the guy who started New West. In […]
Bad times good for new media's business news writers
It might be bad times for business, and bad times for newspaper business sections, but it appears to be a great time to be a business journalist. Last week on the same day that Wall Street tanked, Slate introduced its new business section, called The Big Money, edited by ex-deputy managing editor of CNN Money […]
The secret to my LinkedIn success
Today, I’m blogging over at The Renegade Writer, a Website for freelancers run by Linda Formichelli and Diana Burrell. The topic: The Secret to My LinkedIn Success. If you’ve been to WordCount before, you know I’m a huge LinkedIn fan, using it every day to troll for sources, manage contacts and participate in discussion groups. […]