Not everyone who works as an independent writer does it for the same reason. Which of these classic freelance types best describes you?
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Editors want freelance regulars for ‘arms length embrace’
Publications are just as interested in working with you as you are in working with them. Really.
Dear WordCount: Is it OK to conduct interviews via email?
This installment of the weekly writing advice column looks at the pros and cons of doing interviews by email instead of in person or by phone. Which do you use?
5 things I learned from my first year of freelancing
Thinking of plunging into self employment? Read Carrie Schmeck’s takeaways from her first 12 months working as a freelance copywriter.
June 22 reading list: Jonah Lehrer and bad writer behavior
Jonah Lehrer’s self-borrowing is a cautionary tale for freelancers and a good example of how not to work a beat, or a blog.