High school girls still dream of being Rory Gilmore, the fictional daughter in The Gilmore Girls TV show who headed straight from a Yale journalism degree to a job covering Barack Obama’s presidential campaign. That’s what I discovered at career day at my old high school last week. More than 80 girls from St. Mary’s […]
Prepping for the big one – 12 ways to ace a VIP interview
I recently interviewed a management guru who’s a rock star in corporate circles, makes a mint from training sessions and has several best-selling business books under his belt. Want to know what he did at the end of the 60 minutes we spent on the phone? He thanked me for reading his books before we […]
There is no such thing as a dumb Twitter question
There is no such thing as a dumb Twitter question. When you’re learning to drive, are you dumb because you don’t know how much pressure to apply to the gas pedal? No. When you’re learning to dance, are you dumb because you step on your partner’s toes? Clumsy maybe, but not dumb. Just learning. It’s […]
Introducing RecessionWire.com, The Upside of the Downturn
What do two Internet savvy New York City business magazine editors and a long-time freelance writer do when their steady gigs go south? Start a Website of course. The site’s called RecessionWire.com, The Upside of the Downturn, and it’s just as smart as the three women behind it. Co-founders Laura Rich and Sara Clemence were […]
WordCount weekly news wrap up for Jan. 31
Is it just me, or does it seem like there’s a uptick in the stories and blog posts on the evolution of the news business and the role independents – writers and others – are playing in it? The sputtering economy is speeding up the pace of change. Here are some developments of interest from […]
Small papers best positioned to survive recession, changing news business
My first newspaper job was selling classified ads over the phone for The Valley Times in Beaverton, Oregon, the summer after my freshman year in college. I’d started writing for my college paper and was thrilled to have a job – any job – in the newspaper business, even if it meant inputting ads for […]