Twitter is revolutionizing the way people gather and disseminate news, and today there’s no better example of that than what’s happening in Iran. After Friday’s hotted contested presidential elections saw the apparent re-election of incumbent Mahmoud Ahmadinejad by a landslide, supporters of challenger Mir Hossein Mousavi took to the streets in what looks to be […]
Freelance Friday link love for June 12
Here’s what I’ve been reading this week: Help me investigate: Paul Bradshaw on Crowdsourcing Investigative Reporting – Video interview with a U.K. journalist and Online Journalism blogger on how he’s building a platform for crowdsourcing investigative journalism. 5 things Sesame Street can teach you about blogging – Keep it varied, repeat often and have a […]
A little password protection goes a long way
How many passwords you use? Take a guess – 5 maybe, or 10? I counted mine today and came up with 30 – if I spent the time I could probably come up with more: Desktop computer Laptop computer Email Blog Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook Online news and blog reader Online newspaper subscription Back issue archive […]
Guest post: Canadian freelancers form agency to negotiate fees, market their work
Today’s guest post is written by David Hayes, an award winning freelance writer living in Toronto. In addition to contributing articles, essays and reviews to publications such as Toronto Life, Reader’s Digest and The New York Times Magazine, Hayes has written or ghost-written five nonfiction books. He also teaches advanced feature writing in Ryerson’s G. […]
Drano for writers: 10 tricks to get the words flowing again
Writer’s block has to be one of the worst occupational hazards of freelancing, right up there with magazines that take forever to pay. Lifehacker, one of my favorite sources of unconventional thinking on getting stuff done, suggests curing writer’s blog by stepping away from something you’re working on while the words are still flowing. Do […]
The long tail of blogging
When was the last time you looked over your old blog posts? You should, because your readers are. If you’re like me, you probably spend more time thinking about whatever it is you’re working on today or have to start next week. But there’s value in looking in the opposite direction. This hit home this […]