Today is Haiku Day in the 2011 WordCount Blogathon. Everyone participating is encouraged to write a haiku, the 17, syllable, three-line poem most people learned in grade school.
Here’s mine. I’m not sure how great it is, so I’m including a photo in case you can’t figure out what I’m writing about.
Backyard stranger lurks
sniffs chickens in the air
sees me and is gone.
I’ll link to some of my favorites from other writers and bloggers in this coming Saturday’s weekly blogathon round up.
Want to play along? Leave your comment in the form of a haiku!
Five seven five oh
Too much work to think about
Happy Birthday, ‘Shell
Thank you. My family knows I’m not a fan of nickname derivatives of “Michelle” so they tease me about them. They would rewrite the last line:
Good birthday Micky
PS – And what are you doing up so early anyway?
Nice picture Michelle.
And the haiku’s good as well.
What’s next for WordCount?
A brief blogging reprieve
Then an ebook on basics
WordCount summer plans
What will I comment?
To the Haiku I am Hooked!
All thanks to you 🙂
Do not thank WordCount
For your haiku writing skills
Third grade did it all
This one is funny!
Third grade was a great year for
Learning fun new things
After haiku day
I’m now tempted to reply
Like this all the time
I missed reading you.
Now, comments are in Haiku!
WordCount surprises.
No need to worry
Put WordCount in FeedBurner
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This is great! Happy Birthday, Michelle! I’m impressed by your goal to comment in haiku today.
Comments are easy
With a seventeen word max
Keeps it short and sweet