The readers have spoken.
The wrap party I hosted at the end of the 2010 WordCount Blogathon went so well, I ran a poll to see if readers would attend Twitter chats on freelance writing-related topics on a regular basis.
The response was an overwhelming “Yes.”
As a result, I’m pleased to introduce WordCount Last Wednesday, a live chat that takes place the last Wednesday of each month on Twitter.
The first WordCount Last Wednesday happens June 30 at 8:30 a.m. Pacific time. To follow along, use the hashtag #wclw.
Each 1-hour chat will focus on subjects you wanted to know more about, including tech tools for writers, writing basics and tips for running a freelance business.
I’ll host each chat along with a guest speaker who’s an expert on that day’s subject (and why does typing that suddenly make me feel like Kelly Ripa).
The theme of the first WordCount Last Wednesday will be WordPress, the popular blogging software.
Joining me to will be freelance writer, blogger and website designer Ron S. Doyle, who understands WordPress better than just about anybody I know.
In coming months, WordCount Last Wednesday will cover topics such as LinkedIn, e-newsletters and e-books, Facebook fan pages, tax planning, online apps for writers, Blogger and more. I’ll post a complete schedule soon.
If you’ve got a suggestion for a subject you’d like to see covered, send it my way.
If you’re an expert in a particular aspect of freelance writing, running a freelance business or tech tools for writers and are interested in participating as a guest speaker, contact me.
See you on the 30th!
Sounds great, Michelle!