I spent Monday afternoon talking to small business owners at the ShopSymposium/09 conference here in Portland. The subject of the panel discussion I participated in: how small business owners can use social media without having it take over their lives.
That’s not all the panel discussion covered – to track everything that was mentioned do a Twitter Search of #ss09. But productivity is definitely one of the main things small business owners worry about. That and creating a social media strategy in the first place, which can be intimidating. The key, according to the dozens of small business owners, consultants and industry experts I’ve interviewed, is to take it one step at a time.
As promised, I’ve compiled a resource guide to stories and blog posts I’ve written on social media basics and how small business owners can use it in various aspects of running their companies.
If you were at Shop/09, be sure to say hi or leave a comment. If you weren’t, I’d love to hear what social networking issues you’re grappling with. And don’t forget to find me on Twitter at @michellerafter and on LinkedIn at michellerafter.
The tools
- The secret to my LinkedIn success – Advice on using the business network aimed primarily at writers but applicable to any solo entrepreneur.
- There is no such thing as a dumb Twitter question – After avoiding the Twitter phenomena for a long time, I figured out how to start making it work for me.
- A writer’s guide to getting the most from Twitter – More basics applicable to any small business or sole practitioner.
- How to start a business podcast – 10 rules to create an podcast that will attract listeners and boost business. From IncTechnology.com
The strategies
- Michelle’s social media maxims – Compiled for a recent Willamette University MBA Program First Thursday presentation. No. 1 – Everybody’s doing it, but not everybody knows what they’re doing.
- My TwiTip guest post: When one Twitter account isn’t enough – Use different accounts for different aspects of your business, work and life.
- LinkedIn’s corporate play takes aim at recruiters – A new suite of prospecting tools LinkedIn hopes will appeal to the recruiters and HR professionals among its 35 million members. From Workforce Management
- Turn social networks into your recruiter – If corporate headhunters can mine Facebook for job candidates, small businesses can too. From IncTechnology.com
- Sex sells, and other blogging lessons learned – Good headlines attract attention, especially on blogs. That’s just one of the things I learned in my first year as a blogger.
The problems
- Taming Twitter: Did they really just say that? – Forward-thinking companies are mitigating the risks of social networks by designating Twitter reps and updating electronic communication guidelines. From Workforce Management
- Tech security forecast for 2009 – Experts predict more malware and attacks from mobile devices and social networks. From IncTechnology.com
- Social network scams – Welcome to the latest online hustle. From YourSecurityResource.com
I am a freelancer….a virtual typist….who typed for the co-author of The Social Media Bible.
Now I call that Social Media Squared!!!!
Great tips for utilizing social media for your business. These are some things that have completely helped my business.