I’m a Savvy Networker. I know because I took this quiz and found out what kind of LinkedIn user I am.
The quiz was created by Tom H.C. Anderson, head of a New York Web 2.0 market research firm called Anderson Analytics LLC.
Anderson came up with the test so people could see where they fit in among LInkedIn’s 30 million members.
Anderson puts LinkedIn’s social networkers into four groups: Savvy Networkers, Senior Executives, Late Adopters and Exploring Options.
I didn’t really need a sophisticated algorithm to tell me I like to network and I’m hooked on LinkedIn. My connections are at 340+ and counting (but I’m way behind on Facebook and haven’t started using Twitter yet, although I plan to in 2009). When it comes to computers, software apps, electronic gadgets and Web 2.0 innovations I’ve never been the first in my circle – physical or virtual – to try something new. But I’m usually right behind, and love reporting on what I’ve learned – all those years spent as a tech writer I guess.
In his research, Anderson found that the more connections a person had, the more likely they were to have a higher personal income. You can read some of Anderson’s other findings here or on his blog here.
Darn it, Michelle! The quiz says I’m a late adopter, and that’s not my concept of myself as a tech user (I bought my husband his iPhone a week after it came out, for heaven’s sake). I do use Twitter and Facebook–shouldn’t I get points for that?
I’m a “savvy” as well! Fun test. Not sure if you want to get on Twitter, Michelle. It is one big time suck, even if it is a lot of fun. I’m hoping it pays off somehow, someday…soon.
You can see samples of what the Twitter posts look like at my site: http://bikewithjackie.blogspot.com. It doesn’t seem to make a whole lot of sense, until you get on board.
Carroll: I wouldn’t have picked you for a late adopter either. As for Facebook, maybe Tom will chime in here and tell us if he has any intentions of developing a separate quiz.
Jackie: I’m no on the fence about Twitter. I already spend too much time on social networks, but on the other hand, people who use say it has helped them promote themselves, their blogs, etc. I guess I could give it a try & bale if I didn’t like it.
Just joined LinedIn, took your test and have been calculated a ‘late adopter’. Will I ever earn $200k?