It’s hard to keep up with all the online tools that make the lives of freelance writers more productive, more organized or more fulfilling. But in recent weeks, I’ve discovered two Websites that do a good job of finding and explaining new software and other technologies that are either specifically intended for writers or that writers have found especially useful. Without further ado they are:
The Writer’s Technology Companion – This Website covers the gamut of tech topics for writers, including using online backup services, getting the most out of word processing software, putting up a Website and publishing electronically. The Website is the creation of Dustin M. Wax, a Las Vegas-based college instructor and contributing editor at Wax says he started it because he likes to play around with software, and because too many writers are afraid of their computers. As I write this, two guest bloggers are filling in while Wax takes a short break. This week, writer and free-software enthusiast Aaron Peters is guest blogging about open source software such as Scribus, a print layout applications, and, an office productivity suite. -The tagline for BBC journalist Alfred Hermida’s Website is “Making sense of the intersection between media, society and technology.” is the place to come for tips on incorporating new media into your own writing and to read about how news organizations all over the world are doing the same thing. Some same posts from this Website: 31 essential online tools for journalists, Create a breaking news site in minutes with WordPress and How to be a multimedia journalist. Hermida regularly runs lists of links to interesting material on other sites, as well as stories about seminars and contests – know any U.S. college students? They could earn a $10,000 blogging scholarship. Read more here.
Got your own favorite Website for learning about tech tools for writers? Please share