When writers aren’t writing, they’re reading about how to be a better writer, or be a better marketer of their writing, or about who else they could be writing for.
That’s what I found when I asked freelance, newspaper and magazine writers and editors to name some of their favorite blogs for writers. It’s an eclectic list and by no means comprehensive. Just don’t start reading on deadline.
The Mechanics of Writing, Editing and Copyediting
You Don’t Say – Written by John McIntyre, the Baltimore Sun’s assistant managing editor for the copy desk. McIntyre is a human version of the AP Style Guide or one of those other grammar and usage mauals – but funnier. Thanks to Matthew Crowley, business copy editor at the Las Vegas Review-Journal for the tip.
WordWise – Forget for a minute that Dan Santow is a PR guy. His blog on grammar and usage is good – and not just because he’s got fellow flacks discussing things like commas and overused words (for which reporters everywhere thank you). Oh wait, Santow was a reporter before he became a senior v.p. at Edelman, the big PR firm. Now I get it.
WordHappy – Toddie Downs, a freelance copywriter and editor, uses her blog to celebrate good writing of all types – TV, movies, fiction, non-fiction and advertising.
Freelance Writing and Marketing Yourself as a Writer
Erik Sherman’s WriterBiz – Sherman, a long-time freelance writer and photographer, tackles the business end of writing in this very professional if plain-looking entry. Sherman’s written for some of the biggest names in the business including the New York Times Magazine, Newsweek, Fortune, Inc, US News & World Report and knows what he’s talking about.
The Renegade Writer by Linda Formichelli and Diana Burrell, co-authors of The Renegade Writer: A Totally Unconventional Guide to Freelance Writing and The Renegade Writer’s Query Letters That Rock. Lots of practical wisdom on this blog, which fellow freelancer Peggy Noonan recommends for its useful resources and “common sense tips that work.” UPDATE: Thanks Diana, for pointing out that this is a team effort.
Freelance Switch – This group-written blog about freelancers of all stripes – Web designers and illustrators as well as writers – includes classifieds, podcasts, resources and a job board.
FreelanceWritingGigs.com – Started in 2005 by Deborah Ng, this blog posts info on new jobs almost daily. But proceed with caution: the listings include a lot of “work from home” situations, Web content writing assignments and other low-pay gigs.
Men With Pens – Wait, you did want to be a Web content writer? This is the place to learn. This site was formerly known as Web Content Writer Tips.
TheUrbanMuse – Lots of practical advice on writing and the mechanics of freelancing make this well-suited to beginners. Author Susan Johnston Home is away this month and has guest bloggers filling in.
Screw You – Kathy Kehrli calls herself the Irreverent Freelancer and uses her blog for rants against low-paying clients and other mistreatments that go with the freelance territory. Read it as a cautionary tale, or visit when an editor’s got you steamed and you need an acceptable place to vent.
InkThinker – A personal take on the freelance life, written by Virginia copywriter and consultant Kristen King.
About Freelance Writing and The Golden Pencil – Two more personal takes on freelancing written by Anne Wayan, an independent writer, blogger, ghostwriter, editor and writing coach.
Publicity Hound – Although this is written by a public relations specialist for other PR types, freelancers can glean tips on marketing and generating publicity for their own work – and take a peek at how the other half lives.
Jugglezine – Herman Miller’s elegantly designed e-zine is all about balancing work and life, a freelancer’s constant challenge. And if reading it makes you want to spruce up your home office with some new furniture, well hey, you’re in the right place.
The News Business
Romenesko – This daily recap of major happenings inside U.S. newspapers lets ex-staff reporters like me and other news junkies get their fix.
Publishing 2.0 – A blog about how technology is transforming media. Is the Web going to be writers’ salvation, or is it the Dark Side? The publishing industry insiders who write this blog argue for the former.
Copywriting and Corporate Writing
Copyblogger – The well-organized site has multiple authors who cover everything from getting more done to writing better headlines to personal branding. Joel Kelly, interactive media specialist at Cossette Atlantic, calls it “fantastic.”
Bob Bly’s Blog – Bly lifts the veil on the copywriting business and is as good a start as any for magazine writers considering a leap into corporate work. If Bly’s blog – and related Web site – are any indication, there’s a world of difference.
Dianna Huff’s B2B MarCom Writer Blog – Advice from a marketing communications pro.
Copywriter Underground – More solid copy on copy from an industry veteran.
The Bad Pitch Blog – Apparently the P.R. firms whose work gets lambasted on this blog aren’t reading Copyblogger or Copywriter Underground. “Funny and well-written,” says Lewis Harrison, PR and communications manager at Codeworks.
Michael Stelzner’s Writing White Papers – Everything you need to know about writing a corporate white paper.
What a fabulous resource! I couldn’t bookmark it fast enough! Not only have you made my life easier, you’ve given me yet another wonderful way to procrastinate.
What Marilynn said. Thanks for this great post!
I’m honored to be included in the list. You made my day! And I will be certain to bookmark this very valuable listing. Well done!
A very good list, and our blog is in good company on it! Just a note that Web Content Writer Tips (that’s us!) has moved to http://www.menwithpens.ca
Much nicer site 😉 Same great content.
Thanks for including me, Michelle. Great list of great blogs!
Thanks so much for the mention! I’ll also be visiting some of these others that you’ve uncovered. Great list.
Michelle, I’d be remiss if I didn’t thank you publicly for including The Publicity Hound’s Blog on your list. I’m really honored.
I also wanted to let your readers (and writers) know that if their job includes writing press releases, they can take advantage of my free press release writing tutorial “89 Ways to Write Powerful Press Releases.”
You can read more about the course at http://www.PublicityHound.net/89Ways
Hi Michelle,
Sorry for the delay (I have a good excuse, wifi is hard to find in rural Hawaii!), but I’m honored to be included in your list. Inkthinker, FreelanceSwitch, and several of the others are all in my RSS feeds!
What a great list! I’m so glad that I came upon your blog. I’m now updating my feeds.
You’ve been very helpful.
This is a very thorough list. I’m familiar with Copyblogger and thanks for the others.
Awesome resource. I enjoyed the links and found a few I wasn’t aware of.
This is a very helpful post.
Your history sounds like mine except for the fact that I’ve re-started my freelance writing career only in the last couple of years. Just starting a blog on anti-aging and am still confused about a lot of things. Your blogs have given me a dose of confidence and some very worthwhile information. Thank you.
Thanks for the positive feedback. Let me know if you run into blogging or writing related issues that you can’t find answers for. I run a weekly advice column called Dear WordCount and am always on the hunt for questions to answer…..