Here’s a complete transcript of the 2013 WordCount Blogathon kick off chat that took place on Wednessday, May 29 Read from the bottom up.
Reminder: #blog2013 kick-off chat today @ 10 a.m. Pacific time
The 2013 WordCount Blogathon kick-off chat is today at 10 am PT/1 p.m. ET. Here’s your chance to ask me anything about the annual blogging event.
Don Gonzalez: The WordCount Blogathon helped bring focus to my blog
Participating in a month-long blogging challenge gave one blogger the focus he was lacking — with great results. Read more.
2013 WordCount Blogathon kick-off chat May 29: AMA (Ask me anything)
This month’s Twitter chat kicks off the 2013 WordCount Blogathon. Join us at 10 am PT/1 p.m. ET and ask me anything about the annual blogging event.
What I’m reading: George Saunders, Nancy Rommelmann, Wikipedia intrigue, and more
Why fiction matters, intrigue at Wikipedia, advice for young freelancers, and more good reads from this week.
Dear WordCount: Do I need to use Twitter to do the Blogathon?
Still gun shy of social media? Don’t be. The Blogathon is a perfect reason to get started, as I explain in this installment of my weekly advice column.