On Thursday when I got the Industry Standard’s weekly e-newsletter, which always runs 1 or 2 predictions at the very top of its other news stories, and read their guess that the Dow would fall below 9,000 this month I thought “No way.” Then it happened. That very day. For the first time since 2003. […]
Write like a champion today
Greatness is having a mission, working hard to accomplish it, and instead of resting on your laurels, upping the bar and going after it all over again. And again. And again. Dick Rosenthal shared those and other thoughts on greatness and overcoming adversity at a private fundraising event in Portland yesterday. With the financial world […]
10 things freelancers can do to save money in a bad economy
Last week I wrote about 10 simple things freelancers could do to help their writing business in a bad economy. Most of the suggestions were related to marketing: updating your resume, contacting editors or exploring other ways to expand your business. As the stock market continues to slide and it looks like we could be […]
Tina Brown launches The Daily Beast
Tina Brown says she picked The Daily Beast as the name of her just launched news aggregator Website because it was the name of the newspaper in her all-time favorite novel, a Fleet Street satire called Scoop, by Evelyn Waugh. But there’s another reason too. As any reporter who’s worked on daily deadlines knows, the […]
City debates whether bloggers are reporters
There’s a debate brewing in the small Portland, Oregon, suburb of Lake Oswego that could have implications for any freelance writer who uses a blog to report the news. At the heart of the controversy is a simple question: are bloggers reporters? The city of Lake Oswego doesn’t think so, and is taking steps to […]
10 things writers can do right now to feel better about the economy
There’s nothing you can do about the Wall Street financial crisis or the $700 billion bail out package that Congress is debating as I write this. You can’t control the economy, or the price of gas or who’s going to win the presidential election in November. In the face of so uncertainty, it’s easy to […]