I got into writing because I didn’t think I was a numbers person. I was wrong.
Give me survey data, a government report, a 10Q or monthly unemployment figures and I’m a happy camper.
I’m using business writing background as a ghostwriter for business leaders and organizations on multiple topics and in multiple formats, from books to blog posts.
I’m a frequent speaker on topics related to ghostwriting, editing, and the business of freelancing. I’m a member of the American Society of Journalists and Authors, where I’m currently the publications chair; Association of Ghostwriters; and American Society of Business Publication Editors.
I grew up in Portland when timber was a booming local industry, not the city’s favorite professional sports team. I moved back in the early 2000s with a husband and three kids in tow. Today, when I’m not working, you can find me on one of the many trails winding through the hills of SW Portland with our wire fox terrier Juniper in tow, whipping up something tasty in the kitchen, or on the couch with a book.
Want to connect? Find me here:
Email: wordcountfreelance@gmail.com
LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/michellerafter