For Valentine’s Day, let’s put aside the usual cares of the day to appreciate the magic that can happen when word nerds fall in love, or at least turn their attention to matters of the heart.
Here are three very ingenious but very different Valentine’s Day expressions of love created by journalists and other writers:
1.Valentines for Journalists (Part IV) – A collection of Valentines made for journalists by the geeky-but-romantic journalists at the 10,000 Words blog. Here’s one example – click on the link to see the rest:
2. Field Notes: Red Blooded – The company, which makes cool paper products, used the holiday to introduce Red Blooded, a version of its most popular notebook with a red cover. But it’s how the company introduced it that’s so special – with a video love letter created by an employee named Bryan to his wife that prominently features the new notebook. I dare you not to cry.
3. Stacy Green, Will You Marry Me (Infographic) – All Things D Associate Editor Drake Martinet crunched the numbers then got in touch with his sentimental side to create an infographic explaining why out of all the women in the world his girlfriend, Mashable’s v.p. of marketing and communications Stacy Green, was his soul mate. Then he asked her to marry him (Scroll through the comments, you’ll see her answer.)