How was it for you?
For the next WordCount Last Wednesday writer chat, we’ll look back at the freelance year that was and share our goals for 2013.
Since the normal date for the #wclw chat falls on the day after Christmas, we’re moving it up to this week. Join us on Wednesday, Dec. 19, at 10 a.m. Pacific time.
Use the hashtag #wclw to join me.
The Year in Review
For the chat, we’ll start by introducing ourselves and answers some pre-set questions, then wrap up with any other questions, tips or advice you want to share.
Here are the questions:
- What grade would you give your freelance writing business in 2012: E for excellent, S for satisfactory, or N for needs improvement?
- Was your income higher in 2012 than in 2011, and why or why not?
- What was the high point of your freelance year?
- What was the low point of your freelance year?
- What goals have you set for yourself for 2013?
- What will you do differently next year?
How to Join the #wclw Writer Chat
To join the #wclw writer chat, log onto Twitter account and use the hashtag #wclw to follow tweets related to the chat.
Although it’s possible to use the standard Twitter interface , you might find it easier using a Twitter application such as TweetGrid, TweetChat or HootSuite. Of those three, my favorite is TweetChat, which you can log into using your Twitter account.
You might want to alert followers that you’ll be tweeting more than usual during the chat, and suggest they use to temporarily mute your tweets if they don’t want to tune into the conversation.
If you can’t join us, look for a complete transcript of the chat on Wednesday afternoon.
Got an idea for a #wclw chat? Would you like to participate as a guest speaker? Send your idea or bio to me at
[Photo illustration by Michelle V. Rafter]