How would you like to make a little money from your blog? How would you like to make a lot of money from your blog?
Join me tomorrow for the next WordCount Last Wednesday writer chat, where guest speaker Elizabeth Kricfalusi will talk about monetizing your blog through AdWords and affiliate programs. Join us at 10 a.m. Pacific time/1 p.m. Eastern. Use #wclw to ask a question or see what other writers are sharing.
AdWords and affiliate programs
Adding an AdWords sidebar or joining affilate programs offered by Internet service providers, Amazon and others are among the easiest ways to generate income from your blog. But there’s more to it than slapping the AdWords code onto your blog’s sidebar or signing up for an affiliate program. Elizabeth Kricfalusi, who runs the Tech for Luddites blog, will lead us through the ins and outs of what’s involved, and what you might expect to earn.
Here are some of the topics she’ll be tackling during the chat:
- When should a blogger start thinking about making money from their blog?
- What are different ways to monetize a blog?
- Is there a good starting point to monetizing a blog, and if so, what is it?
- What steps are involved in putting Adwords on your blog?
- What steps are involved in participating in an affiliate program?
- How much money can bloggers make from these programs?
- How important is promoting yourself/your blog on social media to making money from it?
- What resources do you recommend for learning more about this?
Joining the #wclw chat
If you’ve never participated in a Twitter chat before, don’t worry. It’s easier than you think. Log onto Twitter account and then search on the hashtag to follow the tweets or add one of your own. Even better, use a Twitter add-on such as TweetChat, which shows all of the chat tweets in a separate window and automatically adds the hashtag to your tweets. Read more here: How to join a Twitter chat.
Think about the questions, get your answers ready, and I’ll see you at the #wclw chat on Wednesday, Oct. 30, at 10 a.m. Pacific time/1 p.m. Eastern time.
Got an idea for a #wclw chat, or would you like to participate as a guest speaker? Send your idea or bio to me at wordcountfreelance@gmail.com.