![Wisdom, mural by Robert Lewis Reid, Library of Congress Wisdom, mural by Robert Lewis Reid, Library of Congress](https://michellerafter.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/06/Wisdom-Reid-Highsmith.jpeg)
Every Saturday this month, I’m sharing interesting people and posts from the 2013 WordCount Blogathon. — MVR
Three weeks into the 2013 WordCount Blogathon, and bloggers are learning a lot about planning, blog mechanics, what makes a good post, and more. But why take it from me? Here’s some of observations and lessons learned that Blogathon participants have been sharing on the WordCount Facebook page this week:
“One thing I’m learning from this exercise: a catchy title really does encourage the lookie-loos! I don’t get a lot of comments but I’m doing decently with page views.” – Marla Lawrence, bpnurse, who writes about bi-polar and other mental health issues.
“The number of visitors to my blog so far for June is 1,111, so it has just passed the previous best month, which was May 2013. During last year’s blogathon it received 778 visitors. Onward and upward!” – Van Waffle, about Speed River Journal, his urban nature blog.
“This has been great. I’ve posted every day and am honing my blog writing skills as well as watching how tags affect SEO. I will be blogging for a client monthly come July and hope to pick up more biz doing so. It’s taking me 1-2 hours for my blogs so this will also help me set prices when I know writing for clients could be double that.” – Jovanka JoAnn Milivojevic, Feel Better in Your Body.
“I’m letting my readers help me vote on a header image.” – Yael Grauer, on Yael Writes, her freelance writing business blog.
Blog Post Ideas
“Taking a different approach today and sharing the Top 5 twitter quotes that caught my attention (from) #PopeFrancis and it was hard to only pick 5!” – Tracy Dereszynski-Dow, talking about her spirituality-directed blog, Walk.Build.Proclaim.
“Here’s my blog post for today – 91 Facebook questions to get the conversation flowing.” – Anne Headen, Create an Online Business to be Proud Of, a blog on online marketing for small businesses.
“What’s on your About page?” – Sara Lancaster, No. 2 Pen Blog, a blog on website content and other online marketing information.
“My post today was part of The Declaration of You Blog Lovin’ Tour and was centered around the idea of intention.” – Jen Allen, on Pierced Wonderings, her personal blog.
“Day 21: The Summer Anthem [music video post]. It’s officially summer… so you know that I had to post the summer anthem on my blog.” – Vilissa K. Thompson, LMSW, The World Through the Eyes of Ms. V, her personal blog.
Planning Ahead
“I’m doing OK. Got the rest of the month’s posts written and scheduled so that I can go out of town tomorrow!” – Tara Phillips, Two Hands and a Road Map.
“I’m finding it’s not that hard and I look forward to writing. It’s nice being forced to write instead of before when I just wouldn’t do it because I didn’t make it a priority.” – Christina Heinle, Lazy Bones Running.
“Wordless Wednesdays – just post a photo.” – Sally Kuhlman, Sally Around the Bay, her blog on marketing and social media.
Staying Motivated
“I’m struggling to find time and energy to write in my blog. But am glad to be part of this Blogathon. Hoping to be able to cross off blogging every day for a month off of my bucket list.” – Cindy Douglass, Stardust Pottery.
“This has been SUCH a challenge to me…there have been nights when I’ve barely gotten my post in under the wire, and I’ve been so tired my eyes are crossing, but the thought that I’ve got to get my link up here before midnight has spurred me on! It’s really stretching me, and that is good! Thanks for all the encouragement and inspiration here. I haven’t gotten to read other’s posts much this week because we’ve been on a crazy schedule…but I’m looking forward to going back through a bunch this weekend!” – Jen Harris, on Ponderings of an Elect Exile, her blog on being a “a simple wife and mom with an extraordinary God!”
Blogging and Life
“Truth is…since I’ve been blogging (starting a blog and participating in the blogathon simultaneously), my house is a lot messier!! Oh well!” – Vilma Sceusa, about That Girl Is Back, where she shares stories about “real women who are making midlife what they want it to be.”
[“Wisdom” image courtesy Wikimedia Commons]
Hi Michelle, thank you so much for including my Facebook post in your weekly roundup, much appreciated.
I didn’t find out about the Blogathon till after it started, but I blog everyday and have registered for the email updates. Thank you so much for the tip on the wordpress editorial calender. I was jotting ideas into my paper diary for the week ahead, but this is going to be much more effective. I have installed the plugin and dragged some unscheduled draft posts in already. You are providing some great tips for the new blogger. Mine is just a hobby so I can share our beautiful property with my Mum who is 86 and slowing down. I have based it on the The Country Diary of an Edwardian Lady and am posting everyday on things I see, sometimes more than once. http://cathmiller.com/blog/
Thank you so much for including my FB comments as well. I’ve really enjoyed this challenge, and I’m beginning to think I’m going to make it after all! Trouble is, NOW I’m hooked on blogging…..