A while back, I conducted a poll to find out how many Twitter accounts freelance writers and other people who visit this blog use.
As luck would have it, around the time I was getting ready to publish the results, I got the opportunity to write a guest post for TwiTip, a guide to all things Twitter run by Aussie blogging guru Darren Rowse, the mind behind ProBlogger.com.
So if you want to see the poll results, check out my TwiTip guest post here.
As more writers start using Twitter, use Twitter for different aspects of their business and take on assignments tweeting for clients, how many accounts you use and how you manage those accounts are definitely becoming points of discussion.
I’d love to hear what your experiences have been. If you have several Twitter accounts how do you keep them straight? How do you do it without having it take over your work life?
rob says
If you have more than one Twitter account, you can use multiTwit to send updates to all of them at once.