Want to know the secret to organizing your computer files?
You don’t have to. Thanks to e-mail programs, online backup, software add-ons, and search tools like Google Desktop that work as well for freelance writers as they do for big companies, you never have to file anything again.
That might not be the best way to run your writing business. There’s a lot to be said for keeping Word documents and email in some semblance of order. But today’s information management tools make it a lot easier than it used to be, even for the most organizationally challenged.
You can read more about how to get organized in my story, Document This: How to Organize Computer Data, which is now online at IncTechnology.com, Inc. magazine’s technology Website for small business owners.
This is very helpful information. Organizing computer files doesn’t come naturally to those, like me, who continue to print our documents and file them safely in a metal cabinet. Thanks! Peggy