Long-time freelancers approach writing as a business, and they market it that way too. Not all freelancers do the same kind of marketing. Some have Websites. Some have blogs. Some belong to writers’ groups and regularly attend conferences to meet with other writers and editors.
There are so many ways to promote yourself it’d be easy to get carried away and have no time left to write. So have a plan. If you’re new to the business, take baby steps, like starting to use an email signature. If you already have a Website, blog and newsletter, consider adding a podcast or planning to attend a convention. There’s no right way to market yourself, just the way that works for you.
Here are 10 ways freelance writers can market themselves:
1. Use your email signature. In addition to listing basic contact information, an email signature can point people to your Website, blog, newest book and anything else you want them to know about you. Learn more in this post about using an email signature.
2. Create a Website. Use a Website to display your resume, clips, bio and any other selling points you think might be important. Include a picture so editors can match a face with a name. Some freelancers pay to have Websites hosted and designed for them. But you can find cheap or free Websites at places that cater to writers, such as Mediabistro, or general business sites such as LinkedIn.
3. Start a blog. Writers use blogs to market themselves in different ways. Some blog as a way to keep their writing skills sharp. Others blog about a particular subject they’re interested in. On his WriterBiz blog, Erik Sherman regularly reviews freelance contracts. Kerri Fivecoat-Campbell uses her blog, K.C.’s Write for You to interview authors. Still others have blogs to create a platform for books they’ve written or are writing.
4. Create an e-newsletter. Like blogs, freelancers use e-newsletters to different ends. Some writers’ newsletters play up their expertise in a certain area, such as Marcia Layton Turner’s newsletter on writing, Become a Six-Figure Writer, and Sandy Beckwith’s newsletter for authors, Build Book Buzz. Other writers use e-newsletters to keep sources, editors, friends and family in on what’s going on in their work life.
5. Start a podcast. I wrote a story about podcasting recently, and learned that if you stick to the basics, they’re not that hard to do. If you’re interested in learning more, listen to this podcast interview I did with Peter Brusso, an Orange County, Calif., consultant who produces podcasts for sole practitioners and other small-businesspeople. It’s a 25-minute Q&A that covers things like the equipment you’ll need, how to come up with topics, where to host a podcast and how to drum up publicity.
6. Network. These days freelancers can network online or in the real world. Online, you can join professional networks such as LinkedIn to cultivate sources, keep in touch with current and former colleagues and redefine how you present yourself to the world. In the read world, you can attend writer-only networking events like the all-media parties that Mediabistro holds around the country, or similar events sponsored by business groups in your area.
7. Join writer’s groups. Sometimes freelancing feels like solitary confinement, so it’s great to hook up with other writers, whether in person or online. My favorite isn’t really a group at all. It’s Freelance Success, a subscription-based Website and newsletter with a very active discussion forum. There are scads of groups for writers, including American Society of Journalists and Authors, Online News Association, American Society of Business Publication Editors, Society of Environmental Journalists, National Association of Hispanic Journalists, and the list goes on and on.
8. Attend conferences. Go to writers’ conferences to meet other freelancers and editors: it’s a great way to showcase what you do, and come back feeling reinvigorated about work. Many writer’s groups mentioned above have annual meetings, and Freelance Success is cooking up its first annual gather, which will take place later in 2008. If you cover a certain topic or field, there’s no better way to meet sources and promote yourself than attending a professional conference or industry convention. The work’s hard, the crowds are brutal and your feet will hurt by the end of the week, but your bank of new contacts and story ideas with runth over.
9. Visit editors. Since I just started writing again after a long hiatus, it’s on my personal to-do list this year to visit editors I write for regularly. I’d have to fly, so this would be a big unreimbursed business expense. But it’d be worth it if face time with my existing clients led to more work, and if I could set up meetings with new-to-me publications while I’m in the area.
10. Be the best at what you do. Be the go-to writer editors love working with. Stick to word counts. Double check grammar and spelling. Write your own headlines; even if you know they won’t be used, it shows you’re thinking. Turn in stories on time. Turn in the story the editor was expecting, or if you run into trouble, let them know well in advance, not the day it’s due. Be willing to do the little extras that editors appreciate, like getting a source to email photos.
Ultimately, you could do all kinds of marketing, but for any of it to work, you’ve got to back it up with your writing.
What a great post, Michelle. We all need these reminders about what works and what doesn’t. I wonder…which of the 10 do you think is the most important? Or can you even single one out?
Thanks for helping us get and stay on track!
Sandy Beckwith
Most important? Hard to say. Easiest to do? Definitely using an email signature. Next, joining LinkedIn; if you already have a resume, filling out the profile won’t be hard. And you can decide how active you want to be in collecting connections and trolling the Answer boards. After that, starting a Website. Blogging is easy too if you use free sites like WordPress.com or Blogger.com, but good blogs take time and attention, which not all writers will be willing to give. This year has been all about getting back into the game, so I’m doing a lot of marketing, and I’m hoping to cap it off with a trip to visit editors in the near future, and possibly attending one writers’ conference. Stay tuned.
I’m going to have to go listen to that podcast you recommended, Michelle. That’s one thing I’d like to become more familiar with.
Thanks for all the great information!
Best regards,
Marcia Layton Turner
Thanks for your article. I found it very useful.
Thanks Marcia. I wrote about podcasts for IncTechnology.com. I’ll put up a link when the story comes out after May 1.
Michelle Rafter
Michelle, thanks for this great post! I just linked to it from my blog; I think that your advice applies to almost any freelance “knowledge worker,” not just writers. These tips are fantastic because they range from something that would take just a few minutes to overarching marketing ideas. I really enjoy reading your blog.
You’re right, Michelle. Writers need to remember marketing / promotion is an essential part of our job. Good post.
Do you answer writing related questions on LinkedIn? Has it had any kind of impact on your writing business that you can tell?
Sandy Beckwith
Sandra, I do answer Writing questions in LinkedIn when the spirit moves me. So far it hasn’t had a direct effect on my business, i.e., I haven’t gotten any new clients because of it. However, it’s been great for my blog because ansewering a question will often give me an idea for a post (and no, I don’t just rip off whatever it was the other person was asking about).
Michelle Rafter
This is a great inspiration list.
I am with you in spirit, Michelle. However, as a newspaper and magazine editor for over 10 years, I can tell you that signatures aren’t as important as whether or not someone wants what’s in your headline. If it makes them click (or you know the person personally or are familiar with their work) then the first 2-3 sentences are what sells or doesn’t sell what the pitch is.
My experience is the more crap people have in their signature, the more it says “amateur.” It’s like those musicians who get business cards with clef notes all over them, or keyboard icons. If you have to prove to me at the bottom of your email how important you are, then…you get the idea. 🙂
Your work is either amazing, which will catapult you into major media sooner or later, or it isn’t, and there you’ll remain, forever pitching, forever getting rejected or no response, and bitching about how tough the writing game is.
But it’s not gonna happen from your sig, IMO.
Cheers and thanks for your inspiration.
🙂 J